Title: Coast Restaurant Supply & Restaurant Design, Restaurant Equipment Sales & Service - Restaurant Equipment Service & Supply : Res
Description: Coast Restaurant Supply & Restaurant Design catering to the restaurant and hospitality industry with restaurant equipment, high quality restaurant designs, and great service in San Diego and beyond California. - Coast Restaurant Supply & Restaurant Desig
Title: Keating of Chicago| Deep Fryers, Shortening Filter Systems, Miraclean Griddles, Pasta Cookers, Food Warmers
Description: Keating of Chicago is a fourth-generation family-owned manufacturer of commercial cooking equipment, specializing in Instant Recovery&0174; fryers, Safe & Easy&0174; filtration systems, Custom Pasta&tm; Systems, Keep Krisp&0174; food warmers, and Miracle
Title: Carolina Marketing, Inc.: Food Service Equipment, Restaurant Equipment
Description: Carolina Marketing is a Manufacturers representative firm for the states of North and South Carolina to the Food Service Industry. We represent fourteen factories that manufacture food service equipment and supplies.