Title: Indiaatnet.com | Play games,Songs,Find a job,List a job,Watch Movies,Bollywood Updates,News,And Much More!
Description: Indiaatnet.com is a entertainment portal that allows user to find a job,play games,download songs,watch live tv,bollywood news,media updates,and much more.
Title: HPC in the Cloud: Dedicated to covering technical cloud computing in science, industry, and the datacenter
Description: Dedicated to covering technical cloud computing in science, industry, and the data center for information technology professionals and business managers with technology management and purchasing authority. HPC in the Cloud provides featured articles, bre
Description: BuQuaTi™ is an AI company specialized in computer vision, predictive analysis, data science, and back-end integration with unique software products, and solutions maximizing the business value.
Title: Flexible Couplings, Flexible Shaft Couplings - ATRA-FLEX (R)- ATR Sales, Polyurethane Inserts for Manufacturing, Atra Flex, End
Description: The quick, low-cost solution for coupling maintenance. ATRA-FLEX flexible couplings mean savings in manpower and downtime, easy installation, economy and long, trouble-free service.
Title: The Amherst Group Limited - Shared Services: Home - Internal Customer Satisfaction, Shared Services Employee Commitment
Description: The Amherst Group Limited - Shared Services: The Amherst Group is a management consulting firm whose mission is to support leaders of staff organizations in delivering superior results. All of our client work addresses transforming staff into service-ori
Title: Smart Grid Summit | Optimize your Distribution System - Toronto, Ontario
Description: The summit provides an ideal platform for stakeholders to exchange ideas and share solutions in grid modernization, reliability, and customer engagement. Attendees will leave with the knowledge and tools to enhance their Smart Grid initiatives and prepar
Description: The purpose of the NGSP is to standardize Hemoglobin A1c test results to those of the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT) and United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS) which established the direct relationships between HbA1c levels an