Title: The Saraii Village - Weerawila, Sri Lanka.
Description: The Saraii Village, Weerawila, Sri Lanka is a truely unique location that provides guests and eco - agro tourism experience. Located in an agro-forestry land, the accommodation units are made out of mud, each mud hut comes with an amazing natural tree ho
Saraii Village,
Eco holiday in Sri Lanka,
Agro holiday in Sri Lanka,
Tree houses in Sri Lanka,
Weerawila hotels,
Villas in Yala,
Villas in Kirinda,
Eco Agro Tourism in Sri Lanka,
Organic villa,
Organic villas,
Certified Sustainable Tourism,
eco - agro tourism,
mud hut Sri Lanka,
natural tree house Sri Lanka,
Yala Nature Reserve,
Bundala Bird Santuray,
Lunugamwehera Nature Reserve,
Weerawila Tank,
Kirinda Beach,
Kataragama Sri Lanka,